Monday, November 23, 2009

The Gentler Sox

Is this the dawn of sexist pricing? Because what I'm seeing here is:

One pair of plain, white, low cut Women's Kushyfoot socks for $4.19.

And right next to them? THREE pairs of plain, white, low cut Men's Kushyfoot socks for $4.99.

Who's fault is this? Kushyfoot's MRSP? Duane's fleecing tactics? Discuss.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Honey, feet know no sex...Buy the better bargain men's socks in a smaller size..and warm your tootsies!!

Anonymous said...

don't u know womens r expensive said...

Hi All, I work for Kushyfoot and I can confirm that the mens 3 pair pack low cut style is $9.99 at Duane Reade and everywhere else including online at www.kushyfoot,com, there must have been an error in the placement when the product was placed on the peg. If you would bring the product to the cash, it ould scan at $9.99...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I work in DR. Yes, be careful shopping in our stores because the managers don't care SHIT about matching prices, they care about the layout of the shelves, so they often tell us to arrange shit to cover the "holes" on the shelves, even though the prices on the tags won't match and I can just see the customers picking an item and checking the barcode to see if it matches the price tage on shelf.

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vaporizer said...

Your blog and all your posts are true genius ,) my hat is off to you! and for the record, I think that was sexist! Because that's how douche bags are ,) hehehe yOu RoCk!

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awesome post!

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