Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oooohhh...you're in trouuuuuubllllle!

Thanks SPF for sending this in -

According to ABC7, the American Medical Association wants an investigation into these new-fangled in-store clinics, which are all the rage these days.

Right, Duane?

American Medical Association officials say they want authorities to investigate whether quickie retail-based health clinics run by pharmacy chains pose conflicts of interest that put profits ahead of patient health. The nation's largest physicians' group on Monday adopted a resolution vowing to seek an investigation after several of their doctors complained that the clinics interfere with the traditional practice of medicine.

The AMA wants state and federal agencies to look into whether pharmacy chain-owned clinics located in the stores urge patients to get their prescriptions filled on site, which the AMA maintains would pose a conflict. It also said that insurance companies should be banned from waiving or lowering co-payments only for patients who get treatment at store-based clinics.

This should be fun.

Has anyone tried the DR Free Clinic?

Ok, better yet: Does anyone want to admit they've gone to the DR Free Clinic?


Scott said...

Yeah, but after watching SICKO, I really don't trust the AMA. Anything that differs from the status quo is bad, lessening people's reliance on expensive doctors, etc.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen "Sicko" - is it worth it?

Anonymous said...

yea! about time put Duane Reade out of business, they suck.

Anonymous said...

I hate Duane Reade too, ever since they took over and formed a monopoly here in NYC. However, the clinics operating in the DR are not owned by Duane Reade and run by competent Doctors. I had a very bad experience with my own GP and a major hospital ER Dr who messed up. The next day I visited a DR clinic and the Dr there cleared up my infection and I haven't had a problem since. The hours are fabulous and the times I was there I hardly waited more than 15 minutes to see the Dr. I would highly recommend it as an alternative to a more costly and dangerous ER visit!

Anonymous said...

I have a health problem and I would like to see the doctor that you saw at DR. Do you know his/her name?

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